Pravu Mazumdar’s text on FLIES published on
Jewelry and value: Some observations around Peter Bauhuis‘ fly-brooches
Fly – the book Paperback, 11,5 x 18 cm, 64 pages, English edition, 300 copies Text by Pravu Mazumdar, calligraphy by Mirei Takeuchi, illustrations by Ulrike Steinke. Texts, pictures, collages, sketches and drawings by Peter Bauhuis
The Flies the book the galleries
Find flies and books:
Galerie Biro, Munich, DE | Gallery Loupe, Montclair, NJ, US | Gallerie Sebastian Schildt, Stockholm, S | Friends of Carlotta, Zürich, CH | The National, Christchurch, NZ | Gallery Funaki, Melbourne, AUS | ATTA Gallery, Bangkok,THA| Galerie Noel Guyomarch, Montreal, CAN | Galerie SO, Solothurn, CH